Nexus 5K basic installation guide L2 L3
Nexus 5K basic installation guide L2 L3
Introduction: Topology includes two nexuses with VPC configured, simple server that need redundant gateway and simple Cisco switch connected with port channel to both nexuses (split).
The VPC and sync between nexuses already preconfigured. This manual explains basic L2 and L3 configurations on nexuses. Remember that most of configuration should be same on both devices.
- Install additional features hsrp, interface-vlan, lacp.
Nexus(conf)# feature hsrp Nexus(conf)# feature interface-vlan Nexus(conf)# feature lacp
- VLAN configuration – same as on regular Cisco switches:
Nexus(conf)# vlan X Nexus(conf-vlan)# name BLA
- Interface VLAN configuration - same as on regular Cisco switches:
Nexus(conf)# interface vlan 10 Nexus(conf-if)# ip address (in nexus you can use prefix instead of netmask) Nexus(conf-if)# description BLA Nexus(conf-if)# no shutdown
- Default route or ip route same as on L3 switches
Nexus(conf)# ip route
- HSRP configuration changed in NX-OS family and became more intuitive (configure under the interface):
Nexus(conf)# interface vlan 10 Nexus(conf-if)# hsrp 10 (you can use each group number you want) Nexus(conf-hsrp)# ip (this is floating gateway address) Nexus(conf-hsrp)# preempt (I recommend to use it only for HSRP master) Nexus(conf-hsrp)# priority 200 (use value between 1 – 255 and master should have higher priority)
- Interface with GLC-T SFP should be configured with speed 1000
Nexus# show interface status -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eth1/13 e1/13 | ny1rt5101_ notconnec trunk full 1000 SFP-1000BAS
- Interfaces where are redundant devices connected should be configured with vpc orphan-port suspend for example firewalls cluster or server with teaming
Nexus(conf)# interface Ethernet 1/13 Nexus(conf-if)# vpc orphan-port suspend
- VPC port channel configuration (split when same port channel running from both nexuses) be aware, the configuration should be same on both nexuses:
Nexus1(conf)# interface Ethernet 1/10 Nexus1(conf-if)# channel-group (PO number) mode (on | active | passive) Nexus2(conf)# interface Ethernet 1/10 Nexus2(conf-if)# channel-group (PO number) mode (on | active | passive) Nexus1(conf)# interface port-channel (PO number) Nexus1(conf-if)# vpc (PO number) Nexus2(conf)# interface port-channel (PO number) Nexus2(conf-if)# vpc (PO number)
Add additional configurations to the port channel interface, like switchport mode and etc…
After creating port channel interface, speed 10000 will be added automatically to the interface configuration:
Nexus1(conf)# show run interface po4 interface port-channel4 description Po4 | NY1SW_Po3 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk allowed vlan 166 logging event port link-status logging event port trunk-status speed 1000 vpc 4
- The basic configuration of the spanning tree, interfaces, snmp and other well know services are the same as in the regular Cisco switches and will not present in the this manual.
- In NX-OS you can’t check serial number of the switch via show version command, use show license host-id instead.
Nexus# show license host-id License hostid: VDH=xyzzxy(this is the serial number)
- Port profile: to reduce amount of configuration on the interfaces with the same role we can use port profiles, where we will configure all additional interfaces settings and attach this profile to the relevant interfaces.
For example we have 20 access ports that should be configured with the same settings like CDP, STP and storm control.
Nexus(conf)# port-profile type Ethernet BLA Nexus(conf-xxx)# no cdp enable Nexus(conf-xxx)# spanning-tree port type edge Nexus(conf-xxx)# spanning-tree guard root Nexus(conf-xxx)# storm-control broadcast level 0.50 Nexus(conf-xxx)# storm-control multicast level 5.00 Nexus(conf)# interface Ethernet 1/15 Nexus(conf-if)# inherit port-profile BLA (now all settings from profile BLA operating on the interface)